Couldn't biblical characters be recruited as high-tech promoters? Consider the following tech advocates and their ad slogans:
10. Noah for We can find a mate for anything. Why not you?
9. Moses for the Excedrin Headache Resource Center ( Take two tablets and call me in the morning.
8. The dove for Guaranteed delivery in 40 days and 40 nights.
7. Adam and Eve for Dell: No Apples for us. We've learned the hard way.
6. Solomon for Microsoft: Don't cut the baby in half.
5. Joseph for Nikon Coolpix: Only Nikon can capture the 36-bit color of my megapixel dreamcoat.
4. Methuselah for Life begins at 960.
3. John the Baptist for You'll be head over heels for our new Munchkin platter.
2. Pharaoh for Symantec: If only we'd had Norton AntiPlague 2002 in 2002...B.C.E.
1. Job for Nasdaq: 'Nuff said.
10. Noah for We can find a mate for anything. Why not you?
9. Moses for the Excedrin Headache Resource Center ( Take two tablets and call me in the morning.
8. The dove for Guaranteed delivery in 40 days and 40 nights.
7. Adam and Eve for Dell: No Apples for us. We've learned the hard way.
6. Solomon for Microsoft: Don't cut the baby in half.
5. Joseph for Nikon Coolpix: Only Nikon can capture the 36-bit color of my megapixel dreamcoat.
4. Methuselah for Life begins at 960.
3. John the Baptist for You'll be head over heels for our new Munchkin platter.
2. Pharaoh for Symantec: If only we'd had Norton AntiPlague 2002 in 2002...B.C.E.
1. Job for Nasdaq: 'Nuff said.
Cute post! When did you move to San Diego???? Who's church do you go to? I love it there! Hope to see you soon! (No Limits is around the corner!!!)
RAQUEL!!!!!!!! Your posts are so cute. Wish to see you soon. I think I will be in CO and CA with in this next month so let me know where you will be. I'll call you soon. Love you
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